- 看过 national forest 的人也看了 :
- preserve
- reservation
- reserve
- national seashore
- national park
national forest 的定义
- forested land owned, maintained, and preserved by the U.S. government.
national forest 近义词
等同于 national park
national forest 的近义词 4 个
等同于 public land
national forest 的近义词 5 个
等同于 wilderness area
national forest 的近义词 2 个
更多national forest例句
- Giving the timber industry the keys to our national forests is like giving fossil-fuel giant ExxonMobil the keys to our climate.
- You see, I’d called my friend and Outside contributor Chris Van Leuven a few weeks prior, and he helped me pick a world class camping spot on national forest land, just outside of Yosemite Valley.
- The site lists camping in state parks, national parks, national forests, private campgrounds, as well as popular and free dispersed campsites.
- Felicia roams amid a national forest where there’s limited law enforcement, so photographers are generally left to police themselves.
- The Forest Service never got to see the permit system in action, because the whole national forest closed the following week due to wildfires, but the agency still intends to use the new system this summer.
- The scheme has been condemned by civil liberties groups and queried by the National Association of Head Teachers.
- Portraits of Lincoln and Eisenhower were removed from the offices of the Republican National Committee.
- Whether he can do it on the national stage is the unanswered question.
- We face a lot of problems at this moment in our national and global history.
- He first rose to prominence as a lawyer in Queens, who settled a boiling racial dispute over public housing in Forest Hills.
- However, they were not seen to venture far into the surrounding deciduous forest.
- He was long a correspondent of the National Intelligencer and other papers, residing in Virginia.
- He has come to believe in such things as old age pensions and national insurance.
- I must make no mistake, and blunder into a national type of features, all wrong; if I make your mask, it must do us credit.
- Opening of the national assembly of France, after the abdication of Louis Philippe.